Click on one of the financial goals below or any subcategory to display financial planning articles, decision tools and calculators,frequently asked questions, newsletter articles, concept videos, video and text alerts, or market summaries.


Merging your money when you marry
Getting started: establishing a financial safety net
Establishing a budget

Unmarried couples
Financial tips for unmarried couples

Raising a family
And baby makes three
When your child has special needs
Planning a Family? Get to Know Your Health Insurance Policy
How much life insurance do you need?
The best ways to save for college
Saving for retirement and a child's education at the same time
Teaching your child about money
Teaching your teen about money
Teaching your college-age child about money
Baby on board: keeping your child safe in the car

Dealing with divorce
Insurance concerns of divorcing couples
Health insurance and divorce

Caring for an aging parent
Caring for your aging parents
The sandwich generation: juggling family responsibilities.
Housing options for older individuals
Do Your Parents Need Long-Term Care Insurance?
Facing the possibility of incapacity
Medicaid and nursing home care
Medicaid planning basics
Medicaid and the principal residence

Loss of a spouse
Organizing your finances when your spouse has died
Claiming life insurance benefits
Social Security survivor's benefits

Terminal illness
Life insurance and terminal illness
Viatical settlements

Career planning
Evaluating a job offer
Health Insurance and COBRA: Sometimes You Can Take It with You
Receiving unemployment benefits
Evaluating an early retirement offer

Sudden wealth
Sudden wealth

Planning for travel
Travel insurance
Health insurance for travelers
Rental car insurance

Decision Tools

Financial basics
Loan amortization calculator
Saving or Investing calculator
Personal cash flow worksheet
Net worth calculator
Mortgage payment calculator
Auto loan payment calculator
Saving for your retirement
College savings analyzer
College funding options analyzer
Credit cards--advantages vs. disadvantages

Insurance basics
Life insurance needs calculator
Comparison of types of life insurance
Which health plan is right for you?
Disability income needs calculator
Homeowners insurance quiz
Auto insurance analyzer

Caring for an aging parent
Housing options for aging parents
Tips for caregivers

Remarriage: sharing assets and debts
Remarriage and prenuptial agreements
Planning for marriage to someone with children
Remarriage with children: income tax considerations
Providing for children from a previous marriage


Should my spouse and I integrate our health insurance benefits?
Am I liable for my spouse's debts?
Should I open a joint checking account with my spouse?
I'm marrying someone with bad credit. How will this affect me?

Unmarried couples
Will my group health insurance cover my partner, even though we're not married?
Should my partner and I buy a house together even though we're not married?

Raising a family
My employer says that after my child is born, I have to come back in six weeks. But doesn't the law say that I'm entitled to three months of leave?
Does it make sense financially for both me and my spouse to work after our child is born?
When do I have to apply for a Social Security number for my newborn?
Who should I name as guardian of my children in case my spouse and I should die at the same time?
Should I buy life insurance on my child?
How do I find quality child care?
How do I pay for child care?
Can I take the tax credit for child care?
What is the difference between the child tax credit and the child and dependent care tax credit?

How do I protect my assets in the event of a divorce?
Are alimony payments considered taxable income?
What are the tax implications of child support payments?
My husband and I are divorcing after 30 years of marriage. Will I still be able to receive Social Security retirement benefits based on his earnings record after our divorce?
My husband and I are getting divorced. How do we decide whose health insurance policy will cover the children?

Caring for an aging parent
How do I talk to my elderly parents about their finances?
My parents can't manage alone anymore. What should I do?
I'm planning to add an in-law apartment to my home. How will this affect my homeowners insurance?
I'm thinking about placing my mother in a nursing home. Will Medicaid pay for her care?
How can I pay for nursing home care?
How can I tell if a nursing home provides high-quality care?
Is there such a thing as nursing home insurance?
What types of nursing care does long-term care insurance cover?
I paid my mother's real estate taxes last year. Can I deduct this on my tax return?
My mother is 90. Is it OK for her to keep driving?

Loss of a spouse
My husband just died. Should I accept my daughter's offer to move in with her?
My spouse just died. Who do I need to notify?
How can I find out whether my deceased husband owned any life insurance?
My spouse passed away this year. When I file my taxes, what filing status should I claim?

Should I sign a prenuptial agreement to protect my assets when I remarry?
I'm getting remarried. How will this affect my Social Security benefits?

Terminal illness
Is there any way I can use life insurance to help cover my expenses if I become terminally ill?

Career planning
I'm looking for a job. How can I tell if an employer is offering a good insurance benefit package?
I'm getting laid off. How am I going to survive financially until I find another job?
If my employer goes out of business and discontinues its health insurance plan, am I still eligible for COBRA benefits?
I'll be changing jobs next month, and I'm pregnant. Will I qualify for health insurance coverage with my new employer?
If I leave my job, will I lose my employer-sponsored health insurance?
If I leave my company, can I take my life insurance policy with me?

Sudden wealth
What's the best way to handle a financial windfall?
When I play the lottery, I have to choose between a lump sum and annual payments. Does it matter?

Planning for travel
Do I have to pay U.S. taxes when I work abroad?
Should I buy travel insurance?
I'm going on a cruise. Do I need trip interruption insurance?
I'm traveling to Europe this summer and won't need my car. Can I get my auto insurance suspended to save money?
I'm planning on living in Europe for several months. Do I need special health insurance?
Does my auto insurance policy cover me on car trips outside the United States?

Consumer protection
How can I protect myself against identity theft?
My radio broke two months after I bought it. I tried to return it to the store, but it won't give me a refund. What can I do to get my money back?
How do I stop those annoying telemarketing calls?


Set Aside Money for Irregular Expenses
Watch Your Timing
What's so special about "special" enrollment?
Changing Your Name on Your Social Security Card

Unmarried couples
Keeping the House
Cover Yourselves
Have It Your Way

Raising a family
Time Off If You Need It
Will Your Family Be Eligible for Social Security Survivor's Benefits?
Here comes baby!
Lowering your teen's insurance costs

Equal Rights, Equal Debts
Mediation, Not Representation

Caring for qan agng parent
Nursing Home Residents
How Many Nursing Home Residents Are Covered by Medicaid?
What Is an Elder Law Attorney?
HUD Reverse Mortgages

Java Calculators

Medicare and Medicaid
Long Term Care Calculator

General Topics
Net Worth Calculator
Savings Goals
Home Budget
Emergency Savings Calculator
Amortizing Loan Calculator
Credit Card Pay Off
Mortgage Loan Calculator
Retirement Planner